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Specialist field - medical / medical examiner / Coroner


Friday 21 October 2016

Example Translation - Post Mortem Report

Please see below an extract from a post mortem report translation.

Post mortem reports can be upsetting to read - please note

Post Mortem examinations are vital for medical research and training, not only for doctors, but for everyone in the medical field and also associated fields i.e. dietary, but also for statistical purposes and financial planning for the health services. They can also be important for blood relatives of the deceased person so see if it has any implications for their health, and, in the case of newborns / babies, for planning future children in case of inherited medical conditions.

Those reports are highly specialist medical reports, listing not only the cause of death established, but everything the pathologist looked at. This includes a description of all the organs and systems.



The coronary arteries were right side dominant. There was an occlusive atherosclerotic plaque in the left coronary artery with less than 1mm of luminal patency. There were smaller atheromatous plaques in the right coronary artery and circumflex artery with 1-2mm of luminal patency.

Aorta and Great Vessels: There were complex atheroma with calcifications in the ascending aorta, descending aorta and both iliac arteries.

The pulmonary artery showed no thrombus or embolus.
The carotid and renal arteries were normal.

Larynx: Normal.
Trachea and Bronchi: Normal. There were no aspirated food particles.
Pleural cavities: Normal.
Lungs: Rt 875gms; Lt 835gms.


Die Koronararterien waren rechtsseitig dominant. In der linken Koronararterie befand sich ein okklusiver arterioskleroser Plaque mit einer luminalen Durchlaessigkeit von weniger als 1mm vorhanden. Kleinere atheromatoese Plaques mit einer luminalen Durchlaessigkeit von 1-2 mm befanden sich in der rechten Koronararterie und der Kranzarterie.

Aorta und Grossgefaesse: Vielschichtiges Atheroma mit Kalzifikation in der aufsteigenden Aorta, absteigenden Aorta und in Hueft-und Beckenarterien. 

Die Pulmonalis wies keinen Thrombus auf.
Karotis und Renalis waren normal.

Larynx: Normal.
Trachea und Bronchien: Normal.  Es waren keine aspirierten Nahrungspartikel vorhanden.
Pleuraraum: Normal.

Lunge: rechts 875 g; links 835 g.

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